The administrator of your personal data is: Partners of a civil partnership operating under the name: Hotelik Korona s.c. Adam Gralik, Jacek Gralik, who co-administer the data, jointly deciding on the purposes and methods of its processing.

Our contact information: CONTACT POINT Hotelik Korona s.c. Adam Gralik, Jacek Gralik, e-mail address:, snail mail address: Gościniec Oycowizna ul. Słoneczna 241, 05-506 Lesznowola, phone: 0 602 557 357.

Important! Despite the designation of the Point of Contact, you are entitled to exercise your rights against any of the Joint Administrators. In such a situation, your request will be forwarded to Jack Gralik, who will respond to the request.

Partners in a civil partnership operating under the name; Hotelik Korona s.c. Adam Gralik, Jacek Gralik, 05-090 Raszyn ul. Pruszkowska 51, NIP: 5342134290, REGON: 016427619 are:

  • Jacek Gralik conducting business activity under the firm: Hotelik Korona Jacek Gralik wspólnik s.c. ;Strefa Kulinarna Jacek Gralik wspólnik s.c.; Jacek Gralik; Passa Jacek Gralik, at the address Raszyn 05-090 ul. Pruszkowska no. 51, NIP: 5271000569, REGON: 012085990, according to the document generated from the system of Central Registration and Information on Economic Activity;
  • Adam Gralik conducting business under the firm: Hotelik Korona Adam Gralik partner s. c. , at the address Raszyn 05-090 ul. Pruszkowska no. 51, NIP: 5342630847, REGON: 387631522, according to the document generated from the system of Central Registration and Information on Economic Activity;

acting jointly as a civil partnership under the name: Hotelik Korona s.c. Adam Gralik, Jacek Gralik, 05-090 Raszyn ul. Pruszkowska 51, NIP: 5342134290, REGON: 016427619, Hereinafter referred to as Joint Administrators.


In connection with the civil partnership Hotelik Korona s.c. Adam Gralik, Jacek Gralik, operates on the basis of co-administration Your personal data is co-administered by the Partners of this civil partnership, which means that within the civil partnership we jointly decide on the purposes and methods of processing the data we have. Accordingly, we have decided to enter into a data co-management agreement. This makes it possible to create a consistent data protection system at all Joint Administrators.

Provisions of the co-administration agreement concluded by us that are relevant to you:

Your personal data is SUGGESTED by the Partners of Hotelik Korona s.c. civil partnership. Adam Gralik, Jacek Gralik, in order to develop the Company by creating the possibility of comprehensive provision of services at the highest possible level with the help of personnel with the appropriate skills and qualifications, including the pursuit of uniform customer service on the basis of a data co-management agreement.

An excerpt relevant to the provisions of the Data Sharing Agreement is available upon request. Here we point out that:

  • Jacek Gralik is responsible for fulfilling the information obligation to you;
  • Responsible for responding to your inquiries and exercising your rights is: Jacek Gralik;
  • We have not appointed a Data Protection Officer;
  • we have established the following CONTACT POINT for individuals whose personal data is co-managed by us:

Contact point: Hotelik Korona s.c. Adam Gralik, Jacek Gralik, e-mail address:, snail mail address: Gościniec Oycowizna ul. Słoneczna 241, 05-506 Lesznowola, phone: 0 602 557 357.

IMPORTANT! Despite the designation of the Point of Contact, you are entitled to exercise your rights against any of the Joint Administrators. In such a situation, your request will be forwarded to Jack Gralik, who will respond to the request.


We use the following definitions in this policy:

  • Service/Website -The Service/Website located at
  • User – any entity residing on and using the Service/Website.
  • Personal information – any information that without excessive time and cost can lead to the identification of an individual, including his/her identification, address, contact information.
  • RODO – means the Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council EU 2016/679 of April 27, 2016. on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and the repeal of Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation).


In most cases, you give them to us yourself. This happens when:

  • You book the date for the implementation of hotel services;
  • You check into a hotel or use our other services;
  • you send a complaint;
  • You are staying in hotel spaces covered by video surveillance;
  • contact via email;
  • you add a comment on the blog;
  • you watch our Facebook and Instagram profiles.


Below we have described the details of the purposes, legal basis and also information about the period of processing of your data and the obligation/voluntariness of providing it.

Purpose of processing

Legal basis for processing

Period of data processing Voluntariness/obligation to provide data

Handling hotel reservations

Art. 6(1)(b) RODO

The processing is necessary for the performance of the contract concluded by making a reservation.

When making a reservation, you must provide us with personal information necessary for its implementation, i.e. e-mail address, name, invoice details. We will process your personal data for the time necessary for the performance of the contract concluded by making a reservation, and thereafter until the expiration of the statute of limitations for claims under the contract concluded. In addition, after this deadline, the data may still be processed for archival purposes.

Provision of personal data is a prerequisite for the execution and conclusion of the contract, their provision is voluntary while the consequence of their failure will be the inability to perform the contract of reservation.

Implementation of services

Art. 6(1)(b) RODO

Processing is necessary for the purpose of entering into a contract.

The data is obtained as data of the parties to conclude a contract. We will process personal data for the time necessary to conclude the contract, and then until the expiration of the statute of limitations for claims under the contract. In addition, after this deadline, the data may still be processed for archival purposes.

Provision of personal data is a prerequisite for the execution and conclusion of the contract, their provision is voluntary while the consequence of their failure will be the inability to perform the sales contract .

Fulfillment of tax obligations.

Art. 6(1)(c) RODO

Processing is necessary to fulfill a legal obligation of the Administrator, in this case obligations under tax law.

We will process personal data for the period required by law mandating the Administrator to keep accounting records (5 years, counting from the beginning of the year following the fiscal year to which the data relate).

Provision of personal data is voluntary but necessary in order for the Administrator to meet its tax obligations, while the consequence of failure to provide data will be the Administrator’s inability to meet the aforementioned obligations.

Telephone contact on matters related to the implementation of the contract.

Art. 6 paragraph. 1(b) RODO

Processing is necessary for the conclusion and/or performance of the contract.

We will process personal data for the duration of the contract.

Provision of personal data is voluntary but necessary in order to contact us in matters related to the implementation of the contract, while the consequence of failing to provide data will be the inability to contact us for the aforementioned purpose.

Fulfillment of complaints or claims related to the contract.

Art. 6 paragraph. 1(b) RODO

The processing is necessary for the conclusion and/or performance of the contract, and on the basis of

Art. 6 paragraph. 1(c) RODO

Obligation under the law.

We will process your personal data for the time necessary to carry out the complaint procedure or contractual claims. Complaints and claims related to the contract may furthermore be archived in order to be able to demonstrate the progress of the complaint process or claims related to the contract in the future.

Provision of personal data is a prerequisite for the execution of complaints / claims related to the contract, their provision is voluntary while the consequence of their failure will be the inability to execute the complaint and withdraw from the contract .

Use of cookies on the Website.

Art. 6(1)(a) RODO

Processing is necessary for the use of cookies on the Website on the basis of consent which is given before the website is fully loaded.

We will process your personal data until you withdraw your consent.

Provision of data is voluntary.

Blog Comments

Art. 6(1)(f) RODO

The processing is necessary for the Administrator’s legitimate interest consisting, in this case, in operating the comment system.

We will process personal data until you successfully object or the purpose of the processing is achieved.

Providing data is voluntary but necessary in order to post a comment under a blog post.

Maintaining a profile on Facebook and Instagram.

Art. 6(1)(f) RODO

The processing is necessary for the Administrator’s legitimate interest in promoting its own brand and, if necessary, to pursue and defend against claims.

We will process personal data until you successfully object or the purpose of the processing is achieved.

Please be advised that we process personal data processed for the purpose described above only with respect to your use of the Administrator’s profile, and with respect to your other use of Facebook and Instagram, your personal data is processed by Meta Platforms Ireland Limited based on the terms and conditions and privacy policy it has established.

Provision of data is voluntary but necessary in order to use Facebook and Instagram, while the consequence of their absence will be the inability to use the Administrator’s profiles in the aforementioned Services.

To create a profile for marketing purposes and direct marketing targeting (e.g. Facebook ads) tailored to your preferences.

Art. 6 paragraph. 1(f) RODO

The processing is necessary for the Administrator’s legitimate interests, in this case to conduct marketing activities tailored to the recipients’ preferences.

The controller will process personal data until an objection is successfully raised or the purpose of the processing is achieved.

Provision of personal data is voluntary, but necessary for the implementation of the above. purpose, while the consequence of their failure will be the Administrator’s inability to conduct marketing activities tailored to the recipients’ preferences.

Fulfillment of data protection obligations.

Art. 6(1)(c) RODO

The processing is necessary to fulfill a legal obligation of the Administrator, in this case obligations under data protection laws.

We will process personal data until the expiration of the statute of limitations for claims of data protection violations.

Provision of data is voluntary but necessary in order for the Administrator to properly perform its obligations under the provisions of the RODO, while the consequence of failing to do so will be the inability to properly exercise its rights under the RODO.

Determination, investigation or defense of claims.

Art. 6(1)(f) RODO

Processing is necessary for the Administrator’s legitimate interests, including in the case of establishing, investigating or defending against claims that may arise in connection with the provision of services or use of the Service.

We will process personal data for the period of existence of the legitimate interest pursued by the Administrator, but no longer than the period of limitation of claims that may be raised against the Administrator.

Provision of data is voluntary but necessary for the establishment, investigation and defense by the Administrator, while the consequence of their failure will be the Administrator’s inability to take the above-mentioned actions.

Mail handling.

Art. 6(1)(f) RODO

Processing is necessary for the purpose of fulfilling the legitimate interests of the Administrator, in this case to carry out contact with individuals and to answer questions. Subsequently, the correspondence is stored for a period of time for the purposes of evidence, securing or defending against claims, which is also a legitimate interest referred to in Art. 6 paragraph. 1(f) RODO.

We will process personal data for the period of existence of the legitimate interest pursued by the Administrator, but no longer than the period of limitation of claims that may be raised against the Administrator.

Provision of data is voluntary but necessary in order to establish, assert and defend claims, while the consequence of their failure will be the Administrator’s inability to take the above-mentioned actions.

Analysis of the User’s activity on the Website.

Art. 6(1)(f) RODO

The processing is necessary for the Administrator’s legitimate interest in this case to obtain information about the User’s activity on the Website.

We will process personal data until you successfully object or the purpose of the processing is achieved.

Provision of data is voluntary, but necessary in order to obtain information about activity on the site, while the consequence of failure to provide data will be the inability to obtain the above-mentioned information.

Implementation of the loyalty program-Discount card

Art. 6(1)(f) RODO

The processing is necessary for the purpose of realization of the legitimate interest of the Administrator , which is the performance of obligations arising from the public promise with the content indicated in the Regulations for the use of the discount card.

We will process personal data, such as name/company, date of birth, address, telephone, and email address, for the duration of the loyalty program or until mutual claims arising from participation in the loyalty program expire.

Providing data is voluntary but necessary to participate and take part in the loyalty program.

Implementation of security of persons and property in our Facility.

Art. 6(1)(f) RODO

The processing is necessary for the Administrator’s legitimate interests in this case the security of persons and property at the Facility.

We will process personal data in the form of image, no. vehicle registrations. The data collected in this way is processed in an automated manner, the surveillance cameras carry out the transmission to the system administrator’s position in real time and also record the image continuously. Surveillance records are stored:

– until an effective objection is made or a request for their removal is made;

  • depending on the size of the recorded data – until the data is overwritten, but no longer than 14 days from the date of recording.

After the expiration of these periods, the image recordings obtained as a result of the monitoring, which contain personal data, shall be destroyed. In the event that the image recordings constitute evidence in a proceeding conducted under the law or the Administrator has become aware that they may constitute evidence in a proceeding before state authorities including the police, the deadline for deletion shall be extended until the final conclusion of such proceedings.

Provision of data is voluntary, but necessary for the purpose of protecting persons and property at the Facility.


We inform you of your rights to:

  • Access to their personal data;
  • rectification of personal data;
  • deletion of personal data;
  • limitation of personal data processing;
  • Object to the processing of personal data;
  • The right to be forgotten in the event that other laws allow it;
  • receive a copy of the data;
  • portability of personal data.

Please be informed that the enumerated rights are not absolute, and therefore, in certain situations, we may lawfully deny you these rights. However, if we refuse to grant the request, it is only after careful analysis and only if the denial of the request is necessary.

Regarding the right to object, we explain that you have the right to object at any time to the processing of personal data on the basis of the legitimate interest of the Data Controller in relation to your particular situation. Please note, however, that under the regulations, we may refuse to consider an objection if we demonstrate that there are legitimate grounds for processing that override your interests, rights and freedoms, or there are grounds for establishing, pursuing or defending claims.

You have the right to lodge a complaint with the President of the Office for Personal Data Protection whenever you consider that the processing of personal data violates the provisions of the RODO.


We do not make decisions with respect to you based solely on automated processing, including profiling, that would produce legal effects or similarly materially affect you.


In connection with our operations, we will disclose your personal data to the following entities:

  • to state authorities or other entities authorized under the law, if it is necessary to carry out legal obligations;
  • entities that support us in our operations on our behalf, in particular third-party entities, e.g. data hosting provider, accountant.
  • to other subcontractors who gain access to the data, if the scope of their activities requires such access.

On an ongoing basis, we conduct a risk analysis to ensure that we process personal data in a secure manner, ensuring, above all, that only authorized persons have access to the data and only to the extent necessary for their tasks. We make sure that all operations on personal data are recorded and performed only by authorized associates.

We take all necessary measures to ensure that its subcontractors and other cooperating entities also provide guarantees that appropriate security measures are applied whenever they process personal data on our behalf.


Among other things, we use third-party providers such as Google and Facebook which sees the transfer of data to third countries:

  • Google LLC, headquartered in California, USA, and Google Ireland Ltd – entities that are responsible for analyzing traffic on this website. The transfer of data to the US is based on the European Commission Decision of July 10, 2023. stating the appropriate degree of protection of personal data, provided by the so-called “data protection”. EU-US Data Privacy Framework;
  • Meta Platforms, Inc, headquartered in California, USA, and Meta Platforms Ireland Ltd – these entities are responsible for the operation of the Facebook social network plug-in and the Facebook fanpage activity. They process personal data in case the User has an active Facebook account. They allow you to like our fanpage on the social network Facebook, read content posted on the fanpage, view photos, write comments or like posts. The transfer of data to the US is based on the European Commission Decision of July 10, 2023. stating the appropriate degree of protection of personal data, provided by the so-called “data protection”. EU-US Data Privacy Framework;

The purpose and scope of data collection and its further processing and use by service providers are described in the privacy policies below:


Social media plug-ins have also been embedded on the Website as part of our business. The purpose and scope of data collection and its further processing and use by service providers are described in the privacy policies below:

The plugins leading to our profiles allow you to connect directly to our profile by clicking on the platform icon. The social platform may acquire information about your use of my site, particularly when you are logged in as a User of the site. If you do not want social networks to obtain information about your activities, we recommend logging out of your profiles and using your browser in incognito mode.


We process the personal data of individuals who:

  • have subscribed to the fanpage by clicking the “Like” or “Observe” icon;
  • published their comment, under any of the posts posted on the fanpage;
  • Have used the Messenger option to contact us.
  1. The administrator of your personal data is the Partners of a civil partnership operating under the name: Hotelik Korona s.c. Adam Gralik, Jacek Gralik, namely;
  • Jacek Gralik conducting business activity under the firm: Hotelik Korona Jacek Gralik wspólnik s.c. ;Strefa Kulinarna Jacek Gralik wspólnik s.c.; Jacek Gralik; Passa Jacek Graik, at the address Raszyn 05-090 ul. Pruszkowska no. 51, NIP: 5271000569, REGON: 012085990, according to the document generated from the system of Central Registration and Information on Economic Activity;
  • Adam Gralik conducting business under the firm: Hotelik Korona Adam Gralik partner s. c. , at the address Raszyn 05-090 ul. Pruszkowska no. 51, NIP: 5342630847, REGON: 387631522, according to the document generated from the system of Central Registration and Information on Economic Activity;

acting jointly as a civil partnership under the name: Hotelik Korona s.c. Adam Gralik, Jacek Gralik, 05-090 Raszyn ul. Pruszkowska 51, NIP: 5342134290, REGON: 016427619, Hereinafter referred to as Joint Administrators.

  1. Your personal data is S A D M I N I S T R O W A N by the Partners of the civil partnership. Hotelik Korona s.c. Adam Gralik, Jacek Gralik, in order to develop the Company by creating the ability to provide comprehensive services at the highest possible level with the help of personnel with the appropriate skills and qualifications, including the pursuit of unified customer service under a data co-management agreement.
  2. An excerpt relevant to the provisions of the Data Sharing Agreement is available upon request. Here we point out that:
  • Jacek Gralik is responsible for fulfilling the information obligation to you;
  • Responsible for responding to your inquiries and exercising your rights is: Jacek Gralik;
  • We have not appointed a Data Protection Officer;
  • we have established the following CONTACT POINT for individuals whose personal data is co-managed by us. Contact point: Hotelik Korona s.c. Adam Gralik, Jacek Gralik, e-mail address:, snail mail address: Gościniec Oycowizna ul. Słoneczna 241, 05-506 Lesznowola, phone: 0 602 557 357.
  • IMPORTANT! Despite the designation of the Point of Contact, you are entitled to exercise your rights against any of the Joint Administrators. In such a situation, your request will be forwarded to Jack Gralik, who will respond to the request.
  1. Your data is processed for the purposes of communication and promotion within our fanpage, in particular responses to reactions, comments and private messages, as well as for statistical and advertising purposes implemented through the tools provided by the Facebook application.
  2. We will process the following categories of your personal data:
  • basic identification data (first and last name) to the extent published by the User on their own/private profile on Facebook;
  • other data published by the User on the Facebook profile, including the image (profile photo, if embedded);
  • other data published by the User during a conversation conducted through the Messenger application;
  • anonymous statistical data on Users visiting the fanpage collected through cookies, each of which contains a unique User code that can be linked to the connection data of Users registered on Facebook, and which is downloaded and processed when the fanpage is opened.
  1. The processing is carried out on the basis of our legitimate interest, which is to ensure the continuity of business communications, marketing of our own products and taking care of our company’s image.
  2. As for your personal information available on Facebook, we do not share it with any third parties or transfer it in any way outside of Facebook’s infrastructure.
  3. We do not transfer personal data to third countries or international organizations. We have no control over how Facebook handles personal data. In this regard, relevant information should be sought in Facebook’s privacy policy.
  4. Personal data stored until you object or the purposes of processing cease.
  5. We inform you about your rights to:
  • Access to their personal data;
  • rectification of personal data;
  • deletion of personal data;
  • limitation of personal data processing;
  • Object to the processing of personal data;
  • The right to be forgotten in the event that other laws allow it;
  • receive a copy of the data;
  • portability of personal data, and
  • The right to file a complaint with the President of the DPA.
  1. Provision of data is voluntary and is done through the use of our fanpage.


  1. According to a judgment of the Court of Justice of the European Union, the Personal Data Controller and Facebook i.e. Meta Platforms Ireland Limited (Grand Canal Square, Grand Canal Harbour Dublin 2, Ireland are joint controllers in accordance with Article 26 of the RODO with respect to data processing for statistical and advertising purposes.
  2. Details of Facebook’s processing of personal data can be found here:
  3. Co-administration includes aggregate data analysis for the purpose of displaying statistics on the activity of the Administrator’s Fanpage users.
  4. Meta Platforms Ireland’s responsibility for processing data for the purposes indicated:
  • To have a legal basis for processing data for site statistics;
  • Ensuring the realization of the rights of data subjects;
  • reporting violations to the supervisory authority and notifying those affected of the incident;
  • Ensuring appropriate technical and organizational measures to ensure the security of personal data.
  1. The Administrator’s responsibilities for data processing:
  • Having a legal basis for processing data for statistics;
  • Fulfillment of information obligations for the purposes of processing carried out by the Administrator.
  1. Meta Platforms Ireland will make the main content of the Site Statistics Annex available to data subjects (Article 26(2) of the RODO) via the data contained in the Site Statistics Information, which can be accessed from all pages.


Use of the Website involves sending requests to the server on which the Website is located. Each request made to the server is recorded in the server logs, which include, for example, the IP address, the date and time of the server, information about the web browser and the operating system used by the User. Logs are saved and stored on the server. Server logs are used for the administration of the Site, and their contents are not disclosed to anyone other than persons and entities authorized to administer the server. The Administrator does not use server logs in any way to identify the User.



Cookies are small files or other information that are stored on your device or that you access from your device, which help me collect data about your activity. Detailed information on. Cookies, as well as the history of their creation can be found, among others. here:

Cookies that can be sent by the Website can be divided into different types, according to the following criteria. Due to their storage period on the device of the visitor to the Website:

  • session (stored until you log out of the Website or turn off your web browser);
  • permanent (kept for a certain period of time, defined by the parameters of each file or until manually deleted).

Because of their supplier:

  • own (created by the Administrator’s Website);
  • belonging to third parties/entities (other than the Administrator).

Due to the purpose of their use:

  • necessary (to enable the proper functioning of the Website);
  • functional/preferential (allowing the Website to be customized to the visitor’s preferences);
  • Analytics and performance (gathering information about how the Website is used);
  • marketing, advertising and social media (which collects information about a visitor to the Website for the purpose of displaying personalized advertising to that visitor and conducting other marketing activities including on websites separate from the Website, such as social networks.


We use cookies for the following purposes:

  • Ensuring proper operation of the Website – thanks to cookies, it is possible for the Website to function efficiently, use the functions available on it and move conveniently between the various subpages;
  • increase the comfort of browsing the Website – thanks to cookies, it is possible to detect errors on some subpages and continuously improve them;
  • wishing to create statistics – cookies are used to analyze how Users use the Website. This makes it possible to continuously improve the Website and adapt its operation to users’ preferences;
  • conduct marketing activities – thanks to cookies, the Administrator can target users with ads tailored to their preferences.


When you first visit the panel on our Website:, you will see information about the use of cookies. Depending on your decision, you can enable or disable cookies of each category (except for essential cookies) and change these settings at any time.

Withdrawal of consent for the use of cookies is also possible via browser settings. For more detailed information, please follow the links below:

  • Chrome


  • Internet Explorer


  • FireFox


  • Opera


  • Microsoft Edge


  • Safari



The website uses tracking technologies in the form of social plugins such as: Facebook, Instagram, and analytics and marketing tools. We use services on the Website:

Google Analytics provided by Google Ireland Limited (Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Ireland). These services help us keep statistics and analyze traffic on the Website. The data collected is processed as part of the above services to generate statistics to help administer the Website and analyze Website traffic. It is possible for a person to easily block the sharing of information about his or her activity on the Website with Google Analytics, for this purpose you can, for example, install a browser add-on provided by Google Ireland Ltd. available here:

Pixel Meta is a code snippet placed on the website that acts as an analytics tool. It allows you to target Facebook and/or Instagram ads to people who have visited our Website. The service provider is Meta Platforms Ireland Ltd, (4 Grand Canal Square, Grand Canal Harbour Dublin 2, Ireland. The information collected through the use of Meta Pixel is anonymous. However, it may be combined with other information about the User, collected through social media platforms such as Facebook and/or Instagram. The information collected in this way is usually transferred to Meta’s servers located outside the European Union, including the United States, and stored there. You can find more information at the link: You can read more about this tool on the supplier’s website:


The policy is reviewed on an ongoing basis and updated as necessary.

The current version of the policy is effective as of 10/08/2023.